By the way I wanted to quickly send out a message letting my friends and family know that I appreciate all the love, prayers, care and concern that you have given to me and my immediate and extended family ;-) After the year that I have had, the earlier lay-off and the now fantastic job that I have, sometimes we all need to take a minute to reflect on what we have or have not accomplished in our lives and who we have and have not touched with our existence... I want to extend a "Very Merry Christmas" to my family, friends and my blogger community! Make a difference with your life, we all have a voice share it! I'm thankful that my family is in town minus my sister :-( and that we get to share this time together because no day is promised so ALWAYS life your life right!
Ummm so yeah . . . MakeOver Edition-
What do you think? Comments are always appreciated and welcome! :-)
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Ellis Island Museum in New York & New Jersey
1 week ago
i'm loving the makeover! like a miami all white party! lol (that was a joke, hahaha) corny. But no--I do like the new "home."
i love miami all white! thanks for the comment, yeah i think that i needed a lil make over!
thanks girl :) umm ya ive seen the D90 but i honestly believe the D 80 was made for me :D but i do like the D 40 and D 70 also the D200 is pretty sweet but that one is for me :D
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