I love this show if you have not been tuning in you are missing a lot of drama.... wow! I just finished Season 5 Part 1 and my Ti-Vo is ready for Tuesday!
Earlier this season, Sean and Christian departed Miami for Los Angeles seeking a fresh start for McNamara/Troy in a new city. Convinced that celebrity status can bring them more new patients than their medical reputations, the surgeons became medical consultants for a television drama. Sean was met with early success under the Hollywood spotlight, only to become the victim of a deranged fan. Despite his own attempts to gain notoriety, Christian found himself living in Sean's shadow for the first time in his career.
As season five continues, McNamara/Troy faces an unexpected, serious medical crisis. Christian decides to settle down with one woman and Sean discovers a new love in a moment of extreme vulnerability. Read More!
Ellis Island Museum in New York & New Jersey
3 weeks ago
I've been with this show since Day 1. A modern day classic although Season 4 was a bit off. I think you should blog about each episode. ;-)
yeah i wasn't sure what the deal was with the 4th season either... but they kept us guessing and after all that's the point ;-)
um each episode.... hmmm i'll have to think about that ;-)
Nip/Tuck is a good show but FX'S bread and butter is Its Always Sunny
i might have to check that out... when does it come on/what time?
i'll google it
i used to love nip/tuck then i felt it became a freak show soap opera with a bunch of sex so i stopped, but im considering starting again.
i must admit, im intrigued by damages
i get tired of seeing christian naked too but i'm so hooked i don't see how i could stop.... me and my man get snacks and curl up on the couch and watch episode after episode ;-)
i haven't seen damages though i might ti-vo just cause
I finally watched the new episode and it was off the chain, these writers are so serious with it!
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