WTF! The Insider. . .
I'm not sure who the is putting their watermark on MY pictures but they know that they are WRONG! I mean post them on any site that you want but don't watermark my pictures!
Ellis Island Museum in New York & New Jersey
2 weeks ago
Very wack! :(
i know right. . . but i got somethin for them copyrights are a muth@rf$cker!
i emailed him and he better take that watermark off because all of my photos are copyrighted!!!!!!!!
Hey there! Just my two cents but this reminds me of another situation. I think as bloggers you have to know that bloggers get pictures/tips from people from all over and sometimes those bloggers don't know where the pics/tips are coming from. They have to go on out on a limb. Now if this blogger took your picture knowing full well it yours, but didn't give you credit then that sucks! But if they didn't know and someone tells them hey "here are some pictures i took, use them" then it's no fault of theirs. I guess that's why perezhilton won all those lawsuits! In a court of law, you have no premise saying you took those pictures mean nothing, were is your proof and how come i saw those pictures on so many other sites and they didn't give you any credit?
Candy you saw all those pictures on other sites because someone leaked them and that's fine but you also didn't see anyone tagging the pictures. They said that the pictures were nice and kept it moving ... there is plenty of proof that I took them you can go to my site
and check them out yourself....
Thanks for your comment but what I say still stands.... just give credit to whom it is due!
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