Okay, now I don't understand why I am addicted to this show but I am! My man asked me "you want to be up there don't you?" Um now anyone who knows me knows that I cannot move like they move but I find it very entertaining and a lot of fun to watch.
I tune in whenever I can to see what Lil Mama is going to be wearing and I must say thank goodness because she is not all bead dazzled out tonight, I never understand why she is dressed like a mess every time she is on camera!
More to come
Ellis Island Museum in New York & New Jersey
2 weeks ago
i LOVE this show. it's my guilty pleasure. Lil Mama is a bit annoying though with her commentary. I can never figure out exactly what she's trying to say!
i know i can't either... and i was so excited that she didn't have that horrible outfit on but then i noticed the hat in front with the rhinestones... OMG!
and i hate that fanny pack is gone!
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